2025 or is it?!

Doesn't matter when or where you start, just that you do;


Being intentional has been on my mind in the last 6 months heavily. Really analyzing what I’m doing, why I’m doing, when I’m doing, and how I’m doing has become a bit of an obsession of mine. For the longest time I lived without structure or discipline which has had a direct effect on my relationship, financial stability, and my overall mental health. So much so I found myself on a ship without a captain so to speak. Just a drifting… living on autopilot once again. I even found a way to be down on myself for slipping back into the mayhem of the habits I had once escaped from. It has surely been a journey and it is far from complete.

When I think about “New Years” I don’t automatically think about January 1st. Now don’t get me wrong. I have celebrated several new years believing in what many do, yet it just didn’t sit right with me that I would be planning for the new things to come in when the world itself was still dark, cold, and hibernating. Yet just like the many I made my wishes, New Year’s resolutions, and wished quietly to myself when the balled dropped on the 1st just hoping what was to come was better than what was being left behind. Yet in the last few years I have leaned more into my own ways of living instead of how society and others had once conditioned me to believe I should. I must admit it is a breath of fresh air to be living on my own terms even when there’s those that just don’t quite get it (so will touch on this in a video soon!).

Now my New Year consists of celebrating my day of birth as my personal new beginning. After all not many of us are fortune it to make it around 😉 the sun. I also celebrate the Spring Equinox as the official start to the New Year. So much so I’ve been working on a calendar that does just this for me. Spring brings possibilities and that just aligns with manifesting new opportunities and desires. So I’m sorta still in 2024 till I’m, one out of this age bracket and two the start of Aries season begins. The fiscal new year brings with it new opportunities financially in a sense that the financial slate sort of gets swept clean and you can claim funds from your works prior. Business wise you file your papers, put in for refreshed grants, and can even start planning how you would like your profits to shape out for what’s to come. In a way, the fiscal new year is sort of the planning stages for the true start to my new years.

Isn’t that something?! It wasn’t until I started writing this piece that things truly came into perspective. It’s one thing to have a thought and yet another entirely to see it written out to realize why it aligns so closely. “New year, new me” just doesn’t truly cut what’s transpiring and has been within my journey. It’s less about becoming a new person and more about transforming, as well as integrating the parts of me that I wasn’t ready to face. Saving my activities of expressing my desires till the timing is right for me.

  • Bingo Card
  • Digital and Manual vision boards
  • Vision journal
  • Scripting (which is a newly learned manifestation technic)
  • And more…

Despite the things transpiring at the moment I look forward to what the Divine has waiting to come in. I look forward to the lessons just as well as the blissings. See what most don’t realize is the lessons are some of the biggest blissings. I may not be grateful for them when I’m in the middle of the towering moment yet perspective has a way of changing your view when you accept that all things hold purpose. I’m setting my intentions higher than I ever have before and I trust that I shall have the testimony to share when the timing is just right.

The New Year may not be upon me just yet, however I’m already grateful for what it has already placed in my heart, on my spirit, and steadfast in my mind;