It’s been quite a while and somehow I’m not where I started😏;
Greetings Beloveds! Haven’t written a blog in quite some time… What can I say other than life was ᒪᖻᖴᓰᘉᘜ 😆. During this time away from blogging I’ve finally started both my YouTube channels, which are linked on the homepage at the bottom and started a few other cool 😎 thingz. "Just Jai" YouTube channel is for all my creations and currently houses my digital drawings so far. I expect to start recording my other creations shortly, just want to learn to record adequately first. My other channel “Empress Jai El” is for my spiritual workings and community collective readings.
Due to life lyfing I haven’t had the time to record any readings as of yet, however I expect that I will be able to get to it shortly. It will also house my own researched information on herbs, waters, candle magick, astrology, and a wide array of other topics. For the longest time I couldn’t figure out my purpose and how I could go about obtaining it and then boom out of no where it hit me. “You don’t acquire knowledge to keep it to yourself, yet instead to share it and elevate others.” So that’s just what I’m doing! Taking what I know, what I learn, and what is revealed to me sometimes by forces (I have no idea how it was communicated to me) and sharing it with a collective that resonates.
I've learned a new skill of cartoon animation, and I'm pretty great at it, as well as have found joy in it. I have also spent my time finally creating my podcast and have recorded 2 episodes so far. I have to admit that was a long time project that I had been talking about since I had my first child. I had no idea what or how to get started and then out of no where I just decided to start. The YouTube channels were started very much the same way.
I have to admit I was essentially nervous about whether people would sign up or listen, watch the videos and that is what kept me stagnate until I realized I wasn’t starting for other people yet for myself. I was doing what I wanted to do despite how it would be perceived. You have to be your own biggest fan and that’s exactly what I am doing! Putting myself out there and applauding myself every step of the way. My podcast is called “I Don’t Know What the “F” I’m Doing, but I’m Doing It Anyway!”. It is streamed on a few platforms:
- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/6kx9tBlfUlaToACOPprpPA
- Amazon Music - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/3b60467e-88a6-4184-9a16-23cad13b1338/i-dont-know-what-the-f-im-doing-but-im-doing-it-anyway
- Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/i-dont-know-what-the-f-im-doing-but-im-doing-it-anyway/id1708773968
- IHeart Radio - https://iheart.com/podcast/123934480/
Spotify is my favorite because it allows me to add music which makes truly makes the show come together.
The uncut version is also available and completely necessary as the show wouldn’t play on other platforms with Spotify music attached. This podcast is helping tremendously with organizing my thoughts and also with overcoming the discomfort of putting myself out there. I held this fear of stumbling over my words and looking like a complete idiot yet somehow that’s no longer a concern of mine. I simply create my outline, record the show and if I stumble so be it🤷🏽♀️. As long as the point is coming across I feel I’ve done my due diligence.
It’s sort of a outloud diary entry of important thoughts and topics that I can use later on to measure my growth. I’m really looking forward to seeing how things change when I can learn to edit appropriately 🤣. I’m still getting the hang of many things yet what I’m most pride of myself about is the fact that I’m still going. I’m focused more on who I am and who I am becoming. Each day I spend less and less time worrying about how I’m viewed or what others are doing to me or not, for that matter. It’s a sense of finding the joy in the things I like to do again and that’s fantastic. I have so many ideas and I love that even if they’re not all put together they are at least possibilities.
I’ve learned to enjoy the present moment and truly appreciate the time I have with my children and my family. It took some months of me faking it till I made it to the other side and now that I have I’m grateful for what this last heartache taught me. More and more I see how my vulnerability is truly a super power that many cannot afford because of its cost. Your energy is the most valuable commodity you own and sharing it with others can become taxing when those others can’t meet you in the middle. Hence life sometimes ᒪᖻᖴᓰᘉᘜ.
However having the knowledge and ability to still give of this energy is truly a gift even if others can’t see or feel it in the moment. Eventually they do, even if by then the bridges have been burned, at least they will have had the chance to bask in unconditional loving vibes and know that it does exist. I’ve long since known that I was put on this realm to share love that many believe is obsolete and it has been a challenging journey however I’m glad I choose this as my mission because despite the challenges I finally can see and feel the rewards.
That’s enough of me for now. Till I find more of me or more pieces of the collective, may you continue to have the life you deserve! ✨👁️
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