Big or small, no matter the polarity of it all, what’s your escape route when we’re all in this together? What are you doing to initiate change?
What is your vice?
Vice (N.1)
“moral fault, wickedness," c. 1300, from Old French vice "fault, failing, defect, irregularity, misdemeanor" (12c.), from Latin vitium "defect, offense, blemish, imperfection," in both physical and moral senses (in Medieval Latin also vicium; source also of Italian vezzo "usage, entertainment"), which is of uncertain origin.
Wishful Moon Dey Beloveds! We have a New Moon in Cancer ♋️ and the emotions are high to say the least. Be mindful while Mother is in the sky🫣;
Now on to the topic of the day…Vices. I’ve taken the liberty of placing the etymology of the word 👆🏾 above. Have you been using this spell in the correct context? I can say I haven’t. I always thought a vice was a form of something, used to escape what you did not want to face. Like smoking or drinking to “so called” ease stress. When in reality it is associated with sin and immortality, wickness.
ᑭᗩᑎᗪOᖇᗩ'ᔕ famous box ringing any 🔔 bells?
The box of sin said to be opened, letting loose 7 deadly sins including greed, anger, lust, envy, gluttony, pride, and sloth (laziness). 7 is a number in numerology that focuses on intellectuals, deep thinkers, philosophers and scholars. It is thought that the connection to 7 allows analysis of things from every angle before making a decision. Would that stand to mean that the gods that gave ᑭᗩᑎᗪOᖇᗩ the box were deep thinkers. Did they place this box into her hands knowing her curiosity would win out and cause suffering they believed to be justified? 😏
Before we dive future into ᑭᗩᑎᗪOᖇᗩ let’s get a little more knowledge on 7. In western astrology 7 is represent by Libra ♎️ which is related to Justice, partnerships, and balancing things for fairness. The 7th house is governed by the planet Venus. A planet of beauty (wouldn’t you know ᑭᗩᑎᗪOᖇᗩ was said to be quite a beauty), connection, love, and affection. It imparts knowledge and wisdom on how to love - as well as how to appreciate the love we receive. There goes those polarities we’ve spoken about.
The opposite of love would be considered hate, right? Hate turns out to be an enamored amount of love which is simply misguided. Turns out the box we speak of was opened as an extremely misguided decision, although if you read the myth with open eyes you would know that everything that occurred was meant to happen as it did. Anyway, as we are far from original topic of Vices, ᑭᗩᑎᗪOᖇᗩ is said to have opened this box after being told not to, for any reason, and her curiosity caused these sins to be unleashed on the beings of the realms.
So now that the realms are plagued with these sins more often than not people suffer the immortality of them. Which vice/vices seem to have ahold of you? It is very much apart of healing to recognize your faults and challenges so that you can be abridged from them. I know I have suffered quite a bit from pride, sloth 🦥, anger and even lust. My journey has surely be an interesting one and I do not shy away from my missteps as they inevitably got me to being a person of integrity. I find, I’m proud of myself for even being able to recognize these faults inside myself so that they could be analyzed and overstood.
You see the story goes that once the box was opened and the 7 deadly sins released the box trapped ᴴᴼᴾᴱinside. Turns out no matter what vice you may be suffering there is still hope of freedom. Yet freedom is not now nor was it ever free. It actually comes with many stipulations. The most important being the opening of your mind. It requires you to be able to open your mind thoughts to being able to be taught. Requires you to set your ego (yourself) aside and consider where you may be taking the incorrect directions.
Can be very enlightening if you allow it to be. Or it can be an intense struggle that will alienate love, trust, and community from your existence. Don’t allow anyone or thing including yourself to diminish your living while you can. There is not one person on this planet or another that can say they have not suffered from one of the vices. After all we have all seen and read about many forms of war that were started all due to greed, pride, and even envy. Wars that have caused countless people to become unalived for lands, jewels, and natural resources that they wouldn’t even have claim on had they survived.
Collectively we have a major task upon us that can only be achieved by first looking inward to correct our own faults. When self evaluation takes place it helps to heal the outside realm because there is less negative energy to feed off. No, we cannot control others and what they choose, yet we can control how we respond to what occurs around and within ourselves. Most individuals don’t even realize that others are learning from them, because they aren’t receiving the validation of outward spoken praise which feeds the immortality of pride. There are many taking notice silently and thriving from it too.
What you put out matters point blank period! Both the good and the bad. Your vice matters because it adds to the dishevel of our nation, our community, our children. ᴴᵒᵖᵉ is eventually let out of the box after all the suffering and that is a gift to humanity. There will be many who don’t have hope an instead choose to keep the wickedness vibrating yet those beings that are blissed with hope and light shall conqueror. Yes light and darkness are polarities and it is believed that you have to have one to have the other, yet we already know what each look like. Which means we can choose between which gets to thrive.
What are you choosing? Take some time this week and think about what you are perpetuating. What vice/vices may be a little too frequent in your world? What can you do to diminish them? What are they affecting? What would thrive to reduce their presence? How did they become frequent in your life? - (can be used as journal prompts, or can be used for talking points for bigger discussions)
Taking some time and getting to the root of these vices can elevate your innerstanding of not just you, yet others as well. “What they eat, doesn’t make you shit” or “Not my monkeys, not my circus” is 2 saying I’ve heard, as a way to make yourself not accountable for others, yet what they don’t tell you is that even though your aren’t directly involved in what others may do, it can and will effect you directly or indirectly. We are all here on this realm together, are we not? Although we can’t change other people, when we change things about ourselves for the better, we give an example to others that shows how things can work differently. That can be the first step to change on a bigger scale🧐. Now will you be apart of the change or the continued ignorance is the biggest question.
I know I’m craving some change in how we are interacting with one another. I am working on me to be apart of the change I wish to see. The energies in this realm has been down right void of compassion and grace. It is heavy and stagnant, which is having a direct impact on my life's energy daily. There is wickedness running loose and the suffering is rising. We have to take our rightful places in the realm! We have to exterminate what no longer belongs.
May you all have the week you deserve! May truth, love, peace, freedom, and Justice be upon you. May you take heed to what has been shared.👁️✨🇲🇦